Dont wait until the New Year

This time of year is notoriously known as a period of both reflection and new beginnings. I am no exception.  2013 has been very good to me in ways, and very humbling in others. After being layed off in the summer, I was given a chance to reflect and rediscover “self” . I have always been the very social outgoing type, but when finances restrict you, you really have no choice but to spend time with YOU. For this I am grateful. This past few months has opened so many doors of discovery that I had never knew existed.

First and foremost I have learned to trust God’s will and Promises, and along the way I have also learned

…. to be myself

…. to be creative

…. to take care of my health

….about my history

….about the food system and our environment

…. to be financially frugal

…. as well as ALOT about friendship and LOVE

With that being said I will be taking my new found knowledge (and vegetarianism) into the new year. I have been sketching out  3 big plans that I would like to achieve during this lifetime -God willing. So stay tuned for updates!!!

” Every new day is another chance to change your life”

– Unknown

With love,
Me 🙂