Ginger Ginger how i love thee!

Ginger Ginger how i love thee!

this past Friday night I came down with body aches,runny,nose,and a horrible cough. I remembered i had a piece of ginger root in my fridge and began to simmer it in boiling water for (green) tea w/lemon. After about 3 cups and alot of sleep i felt almost normal Sunday( no aches,minimal congestion and cough, and by Monday felt COMPLETELY better!-my newest truest cold/ flu remedy!


Hi, My name is Tonisha. A (late) twenty something year old lover of Jesus. I have learned a lot of lessons along the way,still learning. Coming into the woman God created me to be takes improvement, coming to this realization awhile back i now see that I am changing everyday, and i would like to bring people on my journey.

“I may not be where i want to be, but i am much much better than i was yesterday.”
